Master King’s Fall
Raid Completion
Master (1600) King’s Fall is here! Get the Adept version of the raid weapons!
With the Master version of the raid you can get the adept version of all the raid weapons. The adept weapons is random and can drop from each encounter according to Bungie. Defeat the final boss Oryx for a chance to get the new exotic raid weapon Touch of Malice.
Master Difficulty – Each encounter have a chance to drop an Adept Weapon.
The weekly raid challenge is included with our Master version of the raid. The Weekly Challenge GUARANTEES a adept weapon reward.
You can turn in spoils of conquests to purchase random rolls of the adept weapon IF you have unlocked it.
Weekly Raid Challenge – This weeks challenge is The Grass Is Always Greener.
We include the weekly raid challenge with our master completion. It unlocks a Triumph required for the Kingslayer title and will also give a Pinnacle Reward from the raid loot pool.
Each challenge can only be completed once per character every reset.
All rewards are completely RNG and not guaranteed.
- Boss drops will reward Legendary raid rewards at a Pinnacle Level.
- Unique Armor and Weapon drops.
- Raid completion emblem: King No More
Zaouli’s Bane (Adept)
Hand Cannon
Smite of Merain (Adept)
Pulse Rifle
Midha’s Reckoning (Adept)
Fusion Rifle
Doom of Chelchis (Adept)
Scout Rifle
Defiance of Yasmin (Adept)
Sniper Rifle
Qullim’s Terminus (Adept)
Machine Gun
Touch of Malice – Exotic Scout Rifle
This exotic scout rifle has a chance to drop when you defeat the final boss of the raid. For a guaranteed service of the Touch of Malice click here.
Kingslayer Seal – Triumph Package
With the Challenge Triumph Bundle you get these triumphs completed:
- The Grass Is Always Greener
- Devious Thievery
- Gaze Amaze
- Under Construction
- Hands Off
You must be 1585+ Power Level.
Order Options
Account Recovery – Our team will sign onto your account and complete the service. Make sure you fill out our checkout form with the necessary details. You will be notified via text or email before signing on.
Play With Our Team – Join our team and complete the Witch Queen Campaign.
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